Congratulations to the 14 parish children who received their first Holy Communion on June 27: Amelia, Freddie, Kashmira, Ysamae, Corah, Erin, Chloe, Chidiebere, Fionuala, Alfie, Amy, Ethan, Gabriel and Madison.
May they always seek the forgiveness and love of Our Lord as they continue on their journey of faith and may their eyes be opened to the joy of their Christian faith.
Please remember them and their families in your prayers.
Grateful thanks to our catechists, Pat and Kirsten, for their excellent work in preparing the children for their first Holy Communion.
To add to this edition, the UCM organised a First Communion tea for all the children the following Sunday in the hall. This was the first event the hall has been used for since the pandemic! It was great to see all the children and their families together. Patsy and Kirsten presented the children with their certificates and a card plus bookmark and medal from the UCM. The UCM President, Anne Rodrigues and Gill Tomei helped supply the refreshments and a cake and goodies were given to the guests. Photographs were taken with Father Roy and it was a very happy time with all the children being so polite and thanking the UCM for the cake. An exceptional morning!

Father Roy cutting the First Communion cake!